Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

to hurt

  • 1 hurt

    past tense, past participle; see hurt
    * * *
    [hə:t] n 1 ferida. 2 dor. 3 mal, dano, prejuízo, detrimento. • vt+vi (ps and pp hurt) 1 ferir. 2 magoar, ofender, afligir, ferir. it hurts his feelings / isso fere os seus sentimentos. 3 prejudicar, danificar, causar prejuízo. that won’t hurt / isto não faz mal, não causará prejuízo. 4 doer. not a hair of his head was hurt não lhe torceram um fio de cabelo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hurt

  • 2 hurt

    dolorido, machucado
    to hurt:
    magoar, ferir, ofender

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > hurt

  • 3 hurt

    past tense, past participle; see hurt

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > hurt

  • 4 hurt

    ferida; dor
    II. (v)
    ferir; doer

    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > hurt

  • 5 he wouldn’t hurt a fly

    he wouldn’t hurt a fly
    ele não é capaz de fazer mal a uma mosca, ele é muito bom e gentil.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > he wouldn’t hurt a fly

  • 6 not a hair of his head was hurt

    not a hair of his head was hurt
    não lhe torceram um fio de cabelo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > not a hair of his head was hurt

  • 7 to have got hurt

    to have got hurt
    ferir-se, ficar ferido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to have got hurt

  • 8 to hurt someone’s feelings

    to hurt someone’s feelings
    ofender a suscetibilidade de, ferir os sentimentos de alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to hurt someone’s feelings

  • 9 we hurt ourselves

    we hurt ourselves
    nós nos ferimos (reflexivo).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > we hurt ourselves

  • 10 feeling

    1) (power and ability to feel: I have no feeling in my little finger.) sensação
    2) (something that one feels physically: a feeling of great pain.) sensação
    3) ((usually in plural) something that one feels in one's mind: His angry words hurt my feelings; a feeling of happiness.) sentimento
    4) (an impression or belief: I have a feeling that the work is too hard.) pressentimento
    5) (affection: He has no feeling for her now.) afeição
    6) (emotion: He spoke with great feeling.) emoção
    * * *
    [f'i:liŋ] n 1 tato, sentido do tato. 2 sensibilidade, ternura. 3 sentimento, amor. 4 sensação, impressão, percepção, intuição. 5 pressentimento, opinião. 6 simpatia, compaixão. • adj 1 sensível, comovente, tocante. 2 sensitivo, emocional, emotivo. 3 compassivo, afetivo. 4 vivo, ardente, profundo. a feeling for music o dom, o gosto da música. bad feeling ressentimento, amargura ou raiva depois de uma briga. brotherly feelings sentimentos fraternais. • feelingly adv sensivelmente, sentidamente, comovidamente, com sentimento. hard feelings maus sentimentos. I know the feeling entendo o seu sofrimento, problema. no ill feelings! não lhe guardo rancor por isso. to have mixed feelings estar dividido, não ter certeza. to hurt someone’s feelings ofender a suscetibilidade de, ferir os sentimentos de alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > feeling

  • 11 scald

    [sko:ld] 1. verb
    1) (to hurt with hot liquid or steam: He scalded his hand with boiling water.) escaldar
    2) (in cooking, to heat (eg milk) to just below boiling-point.) aquecer
    2. noun
    (a hurt caused by hot liquid or steam.) escaldadura
    * * *
    [skɔ:ld] n 1 queimadura, escaldadura. 2 Amer destruição ou amarelecimento das folhas de plantas provocado por doença ou calor. • vi 1 queimar (com líquido quente ou vapor). 2 escaldar. 3 aquecer quase ao ponto de ebulição.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > scald

  • 12 scratch

    [skræ ] 1. verb
    1) (to mark or hurt by drawing a sharp point across: The cat scratched my hand; How did you scratch your leg?; I scratched myself on a rose bush.) arranhar
    2) (to rub to relieve itching: You should try not to scratch insect bites.) coçar
    3) (to make by scratching: He scratched his name on the rock with a sharp stone.) gravar
    4) (to remove by scratching: She threatened to scratch his eyes out.) arrancar
    5) (to withdraw from a game, race etc: That horse has been scratched.) retirar
    2. noun
    1) (a mark, injury or sound made by scratching: covered in scratches; a scratch at the door.) arranhão
    2) (a slight wound: I hurt myself, but it's only a scratch.) arranhadela
    3) (in certain races or competitions, the starting point for people with no handicap or advantage.) linha de partida
    - scratchiness
    - scratch the surface
    - start from scratch
    - up to scratch
    * * *
    [skrætʃ] n 1 arranhadura, esfoladura, raspadura. 2 arranhão. 3 ruído de raspar ou arranhar. 4 raspagem. 5 lugar de partida, linha de saída para corrida etc. 6 rabiscos. 7 Vet arestim, grapa. • vt+vi 1 arranhar, riscar, marcar. 2 rasgar, arranhar, cavar com as unhas ou garras. 3 coçar. 4 esfregar, roçar. 5 arranhar (como pena de escrever). 6 rabiscar, escrever às pressas. 7 apagar, riscar, cancelar. 8 eliminar, retirar (um cavalo) de uma corrida. 9 Sport cancelar um jogo. 10 labutar, economizar. • adj 1 colecionado ou juntado às pressas. 2 acidental. to bring to the scratch fazer alguém trabalhar. to come up to scratch não corresponder às expectativas. to scratch out riscar, apagar. to start from scratch partir da linha de saída, começar do zero.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > scratch

  • 13 scald

    [sko:ld] 1. verb
    1) (to hurt with hot liquid or steam: He scalded his hand with boiling water.) escaldar
    2) (in cooking, to heat (eg milk) to just below boiling-point.) escaldar
    2. noun
    (a hurt caused by hot liquid or steam.) escaldadura

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > scald

  • 14 scratch

    [skræ ] 1. verb
    1) (to mark or hurt by drawing a sharp point across: The cat scratched my hand; How did you scratch your leg?; I scratched myself on a rose bush.) arranhar
    2) (to rub to relieve itching: You should try not to scratch insect bites.) coçar
    3) (to make by scratching: He scratched his name on the rock with a sharp stone.) riscar
    4) (to remove by scratching: She threatened to scratch his eyes out.) arrancar
    5) (to withdraw from a game, race etc: That horse has been scratched.) retirar
    2. noun
    1) (a mark, injury or sound made by scratching: covered in scratches; a scratch at the door.) arranhão, arranhadura
    2) (a slight wound: I hurt myself, but it's only a scratch.) arranhão
    3) (in certain races or competitions, the starting point for people with no handicap or advantage.) linha de partida
    - scratchiness - scratch the surface - start from scratch - up to scratch

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > scratch

  • 15 aggrieved

    (unhappy or hurt because of unjust treatment: He felt aggrieved at his friend's distrust.) magoado
    * * *
    [əgr'i:vd] adj 1 aflito, magoado. 2 lesado, prejudicado. 3 ofendido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > aggrieved

  • 16 attack

    [ə'tæk] 1. verb
    1) (to make a sudden, violent attempt to hurt or damage: He attacked me with a knife; The village was attacked from the air.) atacar
    2) (to speak or write against: The Prime Minister's policy was attacked in the newspapers.) atacar
    3) ((in games) to attempt to score a goal.) atacar
    4) (to make a vigorous start on: It's time we attacked that pile of work.) atirar-se a
    2. noun
    1) (an act or the action of attacking: The brutal attack killed the old man; They made an air attack on the town.) ataque
    2) (a sudden bout of illness: heart attack; an attack of 'flu.) ataque
    * * *
    [ət'æk] n ataque: 1 doença repentina, mal-estar, acesso súbito. 2 investida, agressão, acometimento. 3 injúria, acusação, discussão. 4 ação de atacar. • vt+vi 1 atacar, assaltar, tomar a ofensiva, agredir, ferir. 2 formar libelo, criticar, ofender, injuriar, combater (por escrito ou verbalmente). 3 iniciar vigorosamente um serviço, dedicar-se inteiramente ao trabalho. 4 prejudicar, lesar. 5 acometer. attacked by rust atacado pela ferrugem.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > attack

  • 17 below

    [bə'ləu] 1. preposition
    (lower in position, rank, standard etc than: She hurt her leg below the knee; His work is below standard.) abaixo de
    2. adverb
    (in a lower place: We looked at the houses (down) below.) lá em baixo
    * * *
    [bil'ou] prep 1 abaixo, sob, mais baixo que. below zero / abaixo de zero. 2 menos que, inferior (em grau ou cargo). below the mark / de qualidade inferior. 3 indigno de. • adv 1 abaixo, em lugar inferior. 2 para baixo, para lugar inferior. 3 de cargo subordinado, de grau inferior. 4 em andar inferior. 5 na terra. 6 no inferno. 7 abaixo citado. below ground debaixo da terra, na sepultura, na mina subterrânea. below par Com abaixo do valor nominal. below the bridge rio abaixo, a partir da ponte. here below aqui na terra. it is below me não me fica bem. the realms below o inferno.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > below

  • 18 cut

    1. present participle - cutting; verb
    1) (to make an opening in, usually with something with a sharp edge: He cut the paper with a pair of scissors.) cortar
    2) (to separate or divide by cutting: She cut a slice of bread; The child cut out the pictures; She cut up the meat into small pieces.) cortar
    3) (to make by cutting: She cut a hole in the cloth.) cortar
    4) (to shorten by cutting; to trim: to cut hair; I'll cut the grass.) cortar
    5) (to reduce: They cut my wages by ten per cent.) cortar
    6) (to remove: They cut several passages from the film.) cortar
    7) (to wound or hurt by breaking the skin (of): I cut my hand on a piece of glass.) cortar
    8) (to divide (a pack of cards).) cortar
    9) (to stop: When the actress said the wrong words, the director ordered `Cut!') cortar
    10) (to take a short route or way: He cut through/across the park on his way to the office; A van cut in in front of me on the motorway.) cortar
    11) (to meet and cross (a line or geometrical figure): An axis cuts a circle in two places.) cortar
    12) (to stay away from (a class, lecture etc): He cut school and went to the cinema.) matar (aulas)
    13) ((also cut dead) to ignore completely: She cut me dead in the High Street.) ignorar
    2. noun
    1) (the result of an act of cutting: a cut on the head; a power-cut (= stoppage of electrical power); a haircut; a cut in prices.) corte
    2) (the way in which something is tailored, fashioned etc: the cut of the jacket.) corte
    3) (a piece of meat cut from an animal: a cut of beef.) corte
    - cutting 3. adjective
    (insulting or offending: a cutting remark.) cortante
    - cut-price
    - cut-throat
    4. adjective
    (fierce; ruthless: cut-throat business competition.) impiedoso
    - cut and dried
    - cut back
    - cut both ways
    - cut a dash
    - cut down
    - cut in
    - cut it fine
    - cut no ice
    - cut off
    - cut one's losses
    - cut one's teeth
    - cut out
    - cut short
    * * *
    [k∧t] n 1 corte, abertura, ferida. 2 talho, incisão. 3 passagem, escavação (na terra), canal. 4 peça talhada, parte ou pedaço cortado. 5 estilo, talhe, feitio, moda. 6 diminuição, redução. 7 atalho, carreiro, picada. 8 cutilada: golpe com instrumento cortante. 9 cábula: falta de comparecimento às aulas. 10 gravura, clichê, xilogravura. 11 corte em peça teatral. 12 peça: medida de tecido ou fio. 13 corte de cartas. 14 porcentagem, comissão. 15 Sport bola cortada ou com efeito. 16 grupo de animais separado da manada. 17 emenda de filme de cinema. 18 talho: corte de carne. 19 faixa de LP ou disco a laser. • vt+vi (ps and pp cut) 1 cortar, talhar. 2 secionar, dividir, partir. 3 aparar, desbastar. he cut his nails / ele cortou suas unhas. 4 rachar, fender. 5 ferir, fazer talhe em. he cut his fingers / ele feriu os dedos. the wind cut his face / o vento lhe açoitou o rosto. 6 lancetar, mutilar, incisar. 7 reduzir, diminuir. 8 atalhar, atravessar, abrir ou cortar caminho. 9 dividir, penetrar, passar através. 10 Sport cortar, dar efeito (bola). 11 coll evitar, ignorar, não reconhecer socialmente. 12 coll cabular, faltar às aulas. 13 picar, retalhar. 14 ceifar, segar. 15 gravar, entalhar, cinzelar. 16 escavar, abrir canal ou túnel. 17 romper relações com. 18 cortar o baralho. who cuts the cards? / quem corta as cartas? 19 talhar, cortar molde (de vestidos). 20 trinchar. 21 abreviar, resumir. 22 interromper (conversa). 23 fazer corte em (manuscrito, peça). 24 ferir-se. • adj 1 cortado, talhado. 2 gravado, entalhado, lapidado. 3 castrado. 4 ferido. 5 reduzido, remarcado (preço). cut and come again sirva-se à vontade. cut away! fora! cut in pay n redução de salário. cut it out! coll deixa disto!, corta essa! cut the cackle! sl deixe de conversa! cut your coat according to your cloth fig arranje-se de acordo com suas possibilidades. he cut a sorry figure ele fez um triste papel. he cut himself loose from ele separou-se de. he cut his own throat fig ele mesmo se prejudicou. he cut his way a) ele abriu caminho para si. b) fig ele se defendeu. he cut it fine sl ele calculou justo, chegou na hora, acertou por pouco. he cut me short ele me interrompeu. he cuts no ice with me sl ele não leva vantagem comigo. he cut the knot fig ele resolveu o caso. he cut the record ele quebrou o recorde. he cut up rough ele ficou zangado. he cut up well ele morreu rico, ele deixou uma fortuna. he gave me the direct cut ele me evitou ostensivamente. he made a cut in the story ele resumiu a história. his unkindness cut me to the heart sua grosseria me feriu o coração. I cut him dead não tomei conhecimento de sua presença. it cuts both ways é justo para ambas as partes. it is his cut é sua vez de cortar as cartas. short cut atalho, caminho mais curto. to be cut off morrer. to be cut out for a thing ser talhado para uma coisa. to cut across encurtar o caminho. to cut a long story short para resumir, em poucas palavras. to cut and contrive viver, satisfazer-se com pouco. to cut and run coll correr, fugir. to cut away a) cortar, serrar, decepar. b) desviar-se. to cut back repetir um quadro (de filme). to cut down a) roçar, derrubar (mato). b) reduzir (despesas). c) abreviar, resumir (manuscrito). to cut in a) entalhar, fazer entalhe. b) interromper. to cut in pieces picar, cortar em pedaços. to cut in stone esculpir em pedra. to cut off a) cortar, destacar, remover. b) romper (relações). c) interromper (fornecimento ou comunicações). d) acabar, terminar. e) separar, excluir. f) pôr fim a, matar, liquidar. g) deserdar. to cut out a) cortar, recortar. b) talhar. c) planejar, tramar, idear. d) desligar (máquina, chave elétrica, etc.). e) desistir de, abandonar. f) separar (do rebanho). g) suplantar, superar. h) pegar como presa. i) excluir, afastar. to cut to pieces fazer em pedaços. to cut up a) cortar, retalhar. b) criticar, desfazer. c) entristecer. to draw cuts jogar com palitos, apostar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cut

  • 19 damage

    ['dæmi‹] 1. noun
    1) (injury or hurt, especially to a thing: The storm did/caused a lot of damage; She suffered brain-damage as a result of the accident.) dano
    2) ((in plural) payment for loss or injury suffered: The court awarded him $5,000 damages.) compensação
    2. verb
    (to make less effective or less usable etc; to spoil: The bomb damaged several buildings; The book was damaged in the post.) danificar
    * * *
    [d'æmidʒ] n 1 dano, prejuízo, perda, detrimento, avaria, estrago. 2 injúria, mal que se faz a alguém. 3 sl despesa, preço. • vt+vi 1 prejudicar, causar dano, prejuízo. 2 estragar-se, deteriorar-se. 3 receber indenização ou reparação. what is the damage? quanto devo? quanto custa?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > damage

  • 20 feel

    past tense, past participle - felt; verb
    1) (to become aware of (something) by the sense of touch: She felt his hand on her shoulder.) sentir
    2) (to find out the shape, size, texture etc of something by touching, usually with the hands: She felt the parcel carefully.) apalpar
    3) (to experience or be aware of (an emotion, sensation etc): He felt a sudden anger.) sentir
    4) (to think (oneself) to be: She feels sick; How does she feel about her work?) sentir-se
    5) (to believe or consider: She feels that the firm treated her badly.) achar
    - feeling
    - feel as if / as though
    - feel like
    - feel one's way
    - get the feel of
    * * *
    [fi:l] n 1 tato, o sentido do tato. 2 sensação, percepção, impressão. • vt+vi (ps e pp: felt) 1 sentir, perceber, notar. the measure was felt to be premature / a providência foi considerada prematura. 2 ter, experimentar (sentimento, sensação física ou moral). I felt that his hand was cold / senti que sua mão estava fria. I felt as if something were near me / alguma coisa parecia estar perto de mim. 3 ter consciência de. 4 tocar, examinar pelo tato, apalpar, tatear. he felt around in his coat / ele procurou dentro de seu casaco (usando as mãos), apalpou. 5 ressentir(-se), magoar-se com, melindrar-se. I feel hurt / sinto-me ofendido. 6 ser sensível a. he feels the cold / ele se sente infeliz quando está com frio. 7 pressentir, ter impressão ou palpite, achar, considerar. I feel ill / sinto-me doente. it feels like rain / acho que vai chover. 8 reconhecer, aperceber-se de. he feels sure of himself / ele está seguro de si. she is feeling her way / ela está agindo cautelosamente (numa nova situação). 9 ter tato, ter sensibilidade. 10 parecer, dar impressão ou sensação. I feel like taking a walk / tenho vontade de dar um passeio. the grass feels soft / a grama é macia ao tato. by the feel pelo tocar. feel free! fique à vontade! to feel angry irar-se. to feel cold estar com frio. to feel for an object procurar um objeto usando as mãos. to feel good coll estar levemente tocado, bêbado. to feel grieved estar aflito. to feel lonely sentir-se sozinho. to feel no pain coll estar bêbado. to feel one’s way andar às palpadelas. to feel quite oneself sentir-se bem, estar bem-disposto. to feel sorry for ter pena de. to feel strongly that ter forte impressão de que. to feel sure that ter certeza de que. to feel the pulse tomar o pulso de, fig sondar. to feel up to sentir-se à altura de, capaz de enfrentar. you may feel sure of it pode estar certo de que.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > feel

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Hurt — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Benno Hurt (* 1941), deutscher Schriftsteller, Fotograf und Jurist Jakob Hurt (1839−1907), estnischer Folklorist, Theologe und Sprachwissenschaftler John Hurt (* 1940), britischer Schauspieler Leopold Hurt …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hurt (Christina Aguilera) — Hurt Single par Christina Aguilera extrait de l’album Back To Basics Face A Hurt Face B Ain t No Other Man (Shapeshifters Mixshow Mix) Sortie …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Hurt (Песня) — «Hurt» Сингл Кристины Агилеры Выпущен 2006 Формат CD Записан 2006 Жанр Поп музыка …   Википедия

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  • Hurt: The EP — EP Леоны Льюис …   Википедия

  • Hurt (band) tours — Hurt (sometimes typeset as HURT) is an alternative metal band formed in 2000 in Virginia but that is now located out of Los Angeles, California, United States. Currently unsigned, the band has put out two major label albums. The group consists of …   Wikipedia

  • Hurt Park, Roanoke, Virginia — Hurt Park is a Roanoke, Virginia neighborhood located in central Roanoke between the Norfolk Southern railyard and the Roanoke River. It borders the neighborhoods of Cherry Hill on the west, West End on the east, Gilmer, Loudon Melrose and… …   Wikipedia

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